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One Future. One ALFA.

A person wearing a white button-up long-sleeved shirt, black tie, high-visibility yellow safety vest, and a circular badge reel with the ALFA logo in the circle. A 'Furry Crewmember' badge with barcode is attached to the badge reel.

Stay connected with ALFA, the only aviation furry association in the world. We advocate for all members of the international furry community in all aspects of safety, security, and wellness throughout all segments of aviation.

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About Air Line Furries Association, Int'l

The ALFA logo. A blue circle with hemisphere lines in the upper left, a grey fox swoop starting from the lower left going to the upper right, and the letters 'ALFA' on the lower right.

ALFA represents and advocates for the many members of the furry community working in all aspects of aviation, including pilots, FAs, mechanics, ATC, CSAs, schedulers, dispatch, IT, and more. Through unbiased, fact-based evaluation of airline safety and security issues, ALFA works to ensure that the entire airline industry remains safe and that their furry voices are heard.

Our mission is to promote and champion all aspects of aviation safety throughout all aspects of the aviation community; to respect the collective interests of all furries; and to be the ultimate guardian and defender of the rights and privileges of our community members in the industries we serve.

We were founded in 2022 when the Furry Association of Flight Attendants (FAFA), the Air Line Pilot Furries Association (ALPFA), and the Aircraft Mechanic Furries Fraternity (AMFF) united to share their knowledge and resources for all aviation furries everywhere.

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