
Like the identification badge, crewmember certificates and crewmember licenses are an important part of aviation operations. While the identification badge provides easy identification and allowed access to the various physical areas furries may work in within the scope of a particular company, a crewmember certificate is important to additionally verify the visa-free entry requirements of flight crew furries, while a crewmember license additionally verifies the qualifications and expertise of flight crew furries, across borders.

Our union-made crewmember certificate and crewmember license complies with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Document 9303, which defines standards for travel documents to facilitate easy and standardized verification of furry crewmembers in member nations. In addition to the standard visual and machine-readable zones required by the specification, our certificates have an additional QR code for easy scanning with portable scanning devices, such as smartphone cameras.

Usage guidelines

Two templates are provided: front and back. The templates have a full bleed of 1,052 by 672 pixels, a trim line of 1,020 by 640 pixels, and a safe area of 956 by 576 pixels. Anything outside the safe area is not guaranteed to be printed, but content may be outside the safe area to facilitate borderless cards during printing. Guides have been added in the template to show the trim line and safe area while editing the card.

Unlike an identification badge, the crewmember certificate content and areas are defined by ICAO Document 9303. While the specifications allow layout flexibility in the visual zones on the front of the card to facilitate state or organization needs, there are mandatory requirements set for the information content and certain zones, particularly the Machine-Readable Zone (MRZ) on the back. Please refer to ICAO Document 9303 for more information.

ICAO does not define a standard layout for crewmember licenses, but our crewmember licenses follow the same format for standardization and ease of use.

QR code

A scannable QR code on the back of the card facilitates easy reading of information by machines, particularly by portable machines like smartphones or handheld barcode scanners. A variety of information, including binary blobs, may be stored in QR codes. Contact information and means of verifying identity, like sending a message to Telegram via bot to confirm this badge holder is this particular fur, are the more useful uses.

Machine-readable zone

On this template, the MRZ complies with ICAO Document 9303, and follows the layout for the TD1 document size, which is three lines of 30 characters each.

Approved characters in the MRZ include the digits 0-9, the letters A-Z with no diacritics, and the filler character ‘<’; and utilizes the OCR-B font family. A sample MRZ for the crewmember certificate is below:


The structure of the MRZ is defined in ICAO Document 9303:

11-2The document identifier. For ALFA-issued cards, crewmember certificates should be ‘AC,’ while crewmember licenses should be ‘AL.’
13-5A 3-letter designator for the issuing authority. ALFA-issued cards use the designator ‘XAF,’ and another issuing authority using the templates may use their assigned designator.
16-14The document number.
115A check digit for line 1, position 6-14.
116-30Optional data area.
21-6Document holder’s date of birth in YYMMDD format.
27A check digit for line 2, position 1-6.
28Document holder’s gender. To comply with ICAO Document 9303, the allowed values are M (Male), F (Female), or < (Other/Unspecified).
29-14Document’s expiration date in YYMMDD format.
215A check digit for line 2, position 9-14.
216-18Document holder’s nationality, which is a 3-letter designator.
219-29Optional data area.
230A composite check digit for lines 1 and 2. Use line 1, 6-30; line 2, 1-7; line 2, 9-15; and line 2, 19-29 to calculate this.
31-30Document holder’s name. Surname should be first, followed by given names. The filler characters ‘<<’ separate the surname from the given names.

Check digits are calculated using this formula (from Wikipedia):

The check digit calculation is as follows: each position is assigned a value; for the digits 0 to 9 this is the value of the digits, for the letters A to Z this is 10 to 35, for the filler < this is 0. The value of each position is then multiplied by its weight; the weight of the first position is 7, of the second it is 3, and of the third it is 1, and after that the weights repeat 7, 3, 1, and so on. All values are added together and the remainder of the final value divided by 10 is the check digit.

Near-field communication

Certain card print services may provide cards that support RFID or Near-Field Communication technology. This allows the ID to be used and consumed by machines with a single tap on a card reader. The kinds of data allowed in these technologies are similar to the data allowed in QR codes.

Various technologies are available to add NFC support to ID cards if your print service is unable to supply, such as NFC Sticker Tags. You may program the stickers as you like, lock them from further modification, then place them on the badge. However, due to the amount of information present on the card, the addition of an NFC sticker tag may obscure or hide information on the card.

Tools used to edit this gear

  • QuickIDCard.com provides ID card printing services with various add-ons and no minimum order.